Monday, November 14, 2011

Falling Behind in the Fall...

October brought RAIN!

As I've blogged our happenings this year, this summer in Texas we suffered the worst drought in history and the temperatures were brutally hot, many places having record highs over 100 degrees for more than 70 days in a row.  We survived!

Audrey and I taking a walk the morning after it rained almost 6 inches.  
we got to see the water everywhere the creek beds were flowing
running & dancing through the wet woods!
This photo was taken at the end of September - here's a deer feeder and our sad little kayak on the dried up bank.

Robert trying to figure out what to do with the deer feeder 

When Audrey and I got down to the pond, we had no idea what we'd see..... we were so SURPRISED to see the pond that was 8 feet down was now completely full.  Our area got around six inches of rain on October 8th, which was my birthday.  I will say, it probably will be one of my most memorable birthdays because we'd been praying for rain and it was by far the best gift I could haven gotten. 

Nature had a burst of energy all around us from the rain, here are some blue darner dragonflies mating.

I guess in the Fall, all the damselflies and dragonflies are feeling the 'love'

Audrey convinced Jack to go swimming on October 16th!  It was warm out, maybe the low 90's that weekend.  They were so excited to be able to canoe and kayak around the pond and although our pond didn't completely dry up, we did not do a lot of swimming this summer.

one crazy and happy girl...

one very happy pond full of water (an acre in size)

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